Accepting your own mistakes

I know I know, we all are humans we all make mistakes, and one thing that was with us since the beginning was that we should apologies for our mistakes and we should forgive people for their own mistakes,

Now there is no misdeed to do that but in my opinion to move forward in life and to not hold any grudges we should actually accept that what happened to us in a negative way is something that maybe we did to someone else, according to me that is how karma works, you hurt someone they hurt you back you would repeat the same again but thinking that is actually negative, you have to be the bigger person and you have to accept that maybe in the past I did this person bad or maybe I caused a negative action in someone's life and that is why something bad has now happened to me,

This way we would feel sorry but not for the other person but for our own self, because the one who did us bad was a person sent by God who give us our karma and maybe because they gave out us our karma they'll get their own karma back, and thats when the other important fact comes up.

If you get hurt by someone and you think okay that was my karma but they would get their karma and I'll enjoy that, that thinking the whole thinking process when you make your own happiness dependent on someone else's life problem that thinking is very very negative too. You have to just act like

Okay this happened to me because of my own actions that were made by me in past and now it is all done, you don't have to now wait for the other person get their karma back or be the person who they get their karma back from,you just have to take a deep breath, accept your own sins and mistakes and then move on.

And yes accepting it makes it better but it also reflects us a dose of happiness because we would instantly feel light about it and we would actually move forward in our life, so yes it is ur life you are the main character of it and yes you are the person who is the reason for your own happiness and your own saddness

Okayy-so i hope this helps I actually wanted to make my blogs more lengthy but let's see where this takes us,

I hope the one who is reading this gets better<3

See you next time :)

Signing off<3